our company

Our Company & Services

Commercial Property Services was established by Sheila Anderson in 1992. CPS has been highly successful appealing ad valorem assessments throughout Florida ever since. Following America's history of fair taxation, CPS has provided appeal services for public and private corporations annually.

Did you know in 1861, on contingency, Abraham Lincoln appealed property tax assessments for the Illinois Central Railroad? And he won! President Lincoln knew, and so do we, that it's all about constitutional protections of taxpayers rights, as well as supporting ethical government in order to enhance property values.

So, in addition to appeals, CPS influenced substantive changes in §194.301, Fla. Stat., the law governing Florida property tax appeals. We also initiated the petitioner’s right to reschedule and the VAB evidence exchange concept. Behind the scenes we helped the Department of Revenue prevail in two related Rule challenges.

CPS insights led to removal of unlawful provisions in the VAB petition form, helped improve VAB Rules of Procedure, and resulted in Attorney General’s Opinion clarifying that VAB special magistrates are subject to Sunshine (§ 286.011, Fla. Stat.). We know the ropes!